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Have you heard of Lipoedema? If not, it’s not surprising. It's a chronic condition marked by the abnormal buildup of fat, and unfortunately, it remains largely unrecognised both in the UK and worldwide.

Discover our Lipoedema portfolio

What is lipoedema?

Lipoedema is a chronic condition that predominantly affects women and is characterized by excessive fat accumulation in specific body parts, particularly the lower limbs, thighs and buttocks. Despite efforts and lifestyle changes, women with lipoedema often struggle to lose weight.

The condition typically affects both sides of the body symmetrically.

Symptoms of Lipoedema

  • Excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in both lower and upper limbs
  • Skin tightness and sensitivity
  • Easy bruising
  • Intense pain in the lower and upper limbs
  • Heaviness and fatigue in limbs
  • Swelling of the legs
  • Limb pain upon touch and pressure
  • Unsuccessful weight loss attempts despite dieting

Lipoedema significantly impacts quality of life, causing limb pain, swelling, sensitivity to touch and, for some women, reduces mobility. The aesthetic consequences of lipoedema often negatively affects self-esteem in patients.


First stage

Second stage

Third stage

Mild enlargement of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the buttocks and thighs, often mistaken for weightgain. 

The skin in affected areas is smooth and elastic.

Significant enlargement of affected areas with the possibility of developing nodules and irregularities in the skin. Sensitivity to touch, fatigue, and a sensation of heaviness in the affected limbs may occur.

Marked enlargement of affected areas, irregularities in the skin. The skin is highly sensitive to touch and pressure, accompanied by a burning and itching sensation. Limited mobility in the affected limbs may be present.

What causes Lipoedema?

The cause of Lipoedema is not fully understood, although the medical community believes that hormonal changes play a major role in its development.

Genetics may also be one of the possible causes. This is supported by numerous cases where both mother and daughter are affected by lipoedema. Lipoedema most commonly manifests during puberty or pregnancy when a woman's body undergoes significant hormonal changes.

Treatment options for Lipoedema

Lipoedema is a complex condition that requires individualized and multidisciplinary treatment involving physicians, physiotherapists, and other specialists.

Conservative treatment: Compression, manual lymphatic drainage, specialized exercise programs, and diet.

Surgical solution: Liposuction using a special technique can remove accumulated pathological fat and provide long-term relief.

Lipoedema and compression therapy

In patients with lipedema, compression garments exert pressure on the affected areas, enhancing venous and lymphatic flow and facilitating proper blood circulation. Proper functioning of the venous and lymphatic systems reduces swelling, pain, and fluid buildup in the body.

 * Hardy D, Williams A. Best practice guidelines for the management of lipoedema. Br J Community Nurs. 2017 Oct 1;22(Sup10):S44-S48. doi: 10.12968/bjcn.2017.22.Sup10.S44. PMID: 28961048. 

Compression therapy can help*:

Reduce soreness and discomfort

Reduce soreness and discomfort

Promote tissue health

Promote tissue health

Strengthen affected areas on legs and arms

Strengthen affected areas on legs and arms

Relieve heavy and swollen limbs

Relieve heavy and swollen limbs

Improve mobility

Improve mobility

Restore venous system and lymph flow

Restore venous system and lymph flow


We take pride in designing compression garments you can trust and feel good about. LIPOELASTIC has its own Research and Development department which constantly innovates and develops new products according to the needs of our patients and the recommendations of surgeons.

Thanks to our global scope and cooperation with many lipoedema organizations and support groups in Germany, Great Britain, America, Spain and France, we at LIPOELASTIC have decided to promote awareness of this disease and help women suffering from lipoedema.

Compression garments that adapt to your lifestyle:

  • Helps speed up recovery
  • Reduces swelling and bruising 
  • Reduces soreness and discomfort
  • Reduces the risk of complications 
  • Reduces pain and discomfort
  • Supports blood circulation and lymph flow
  • Relieves heavy and swollen limbs

Designed for Lipoedema patients

Our garments stand out for their carefully designed details. After surgery, you'll value different features than with everyday wear. Post-surgical compression garments provide higher coverage, adjustable straps, and a convenient, hygienic opening. On the other hand, our daily wear compression garments are tailored for your active lifestyle and come in a wider variety of colours. No matter which style you choose, all LIPOELASTIC®️ garments guarantee medical-grade compression.

Compression ACTIVE leggings: Your legs will love them

You fell in love with ACTIVE leggings! Use @lipoelastic and #lipoedemahero on social networks and show us your looks!

Water-jet Assisted Liposuction and Lipoedema

Many surgeons recommend WAL liposuction as a suitable treatment. Compared to traditional liposuction, it enables more gentle removal of fat cells. Using the WAL liposuction method, water is gently injected into the subcutaneous tissue with the help of a water jet, thereby releasing fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Gentle water jet liposuction uses smaller amount of support fluid during the operation and so is gentler on the surrounding tissues. Patients recover faster and are able to return to full active life more quickly.

Lipoedema in the UK

Currently it has been estimated that approximately 10% of women in the UK suffer from lipoedema*. However, due to the lack of awareness of this disease, many patients are misunderstood by doctors and the public.

Read stories of our Lipoedema patients
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